

MacBook をデルタ航空に置き忘れて、なくなってしまった。(その2)

MacBook がmissing!ということで、早速デルタへ連絡。ほぼ100%デルタ航空の機内に置き忘れたものですから。。。。ファーストクラス(なんちゃって系ですが)なので、きっちりフライトアテンダントがケアする筈。との期待があったのですが、ここは、アメリカ。しかもニューヨーク。戻ってくる可能性は低いです。。。


Thank you for your e-mail regarding your unchecked computer.

Please go to delta.com/lostarticle to fill out a lost and found report. If you are unable to access our website, please contact the Baggage Service Center at 800-325-8224 and one of our agents will fill this form out for you.

We will do our best to return your MacBook to you. However, due to the volume of lost and found items turned in to Delta, you will only be contacted if your computer is located.

Mr. XXXXX, thank you again for giving us an opportunity to respond to your concern. We very much appreciate your Medallion loyalty to Delta and look forward to the privilege of serving you again soon.


Delta Baggage Service Center

要は、デルタのホームページから、Loat and Found の項目に入って登録しろ、と。。


Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding the service provided while
traveling with us. On behalf of everyone at Delta Air Lines, I
sincerely appreciate the chance to look into this matter for you.

I am sorry to learn you may have misplaced your White Macbook on your
recent travel with us. Sadly, at this time I am unable to assist you in
looking for your notebook. As a valued passenger you are always welcome
to go online at Delta.com to report the lost. From this site, fill out
the form and we will do our best to retrieve your article. If found we
will return the item to you at your expense. Due to the overwhelming
number of articles left on our flights and at airports, you will be
contacted only if your property is located. Respectfully, we cannot
assume liability for unchecked items.

On another note, I fully understand the frustrating this is causing with
the delayed response. Please know we are working very hard to address
all of our passengers concerns. Be assured your comments will be shared
with our General Manager as your feedback will help us improve our
overall customer experience.

As a Diamond Medallion member, you are an integral part of our customer
base and we are always interested in your feedback. Thank you for your
loyalty since 1995. We deeply value your business and look forward to
the pleasure of serving you in the months and years ahead.


Sherrea Henry
Coordinator, Corporate Customer Care
Delta Air Lines


日本語仕様に転換しているMacBook を使いたいやつなんか、いるんかなぁ?設定変更するなら、パスワードいるし、このままでは使えない筈なんだが。。。。。。


確か、このデルタ航空のチケットは、アメックスゴールドで購入したので、Baggage Insurance Plan が適用されるのではないか。。。そして、自宅用に入っているRenters保険も適用されるのではないか。。。無駄に保険料を払っているわけではないぞぉ〜!!

